We're inspired and committed to lifting up those who are lifting up the world. We help purpose-driven professional service agencies streamline their operations and develop the capacity to handle growth using a potent synergy of process documentation, software integration and applied psychology.
While it may come as a surprise to hear from a company that systemizes businesses, we know that our people-first approach is our unique strength.
FUN FACT: It turns out that businesses are groups of people, and throwing processes & technology at them isn't a formula for success.
While it's well known that you can't sustainably grow a business without good processes and technology, the core of any business is people. We all know that people tend to require additional support embracing change, and that's where the benefit of applied psychology comes into play.
We use a proven framework to harvest the best practices of your business, and it's sensitive to the people dimension. However, given the complex nature of behaviour change, it's important to bring the right tools to the job, such as Appreciative Inquiry and habit science.